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Wine 66


Wine 66

Wine, road and stories. We brought together our three passions to create Wine 66, a project that takes to the road in search of unique and surprising wines and the stories behind each label.

It is no coincidence that the name refers to the most famous road in the world: Route 66, which crosses a large part of the USA.

We seek out small and medium-sized artisan producers, often unknown to the general public and outside the mainstream, but producing wines of the highest quality.

We strive to get to know the producers personally and establish close relationships with them, whether in Portugal or in other countries around the world, where we also seek out the best products.

Wine 66 is an invitation to discovery. Our greatest joy is to present new labels to consumers eager for novelty and quality. And, through the production of audiovisual content, to present the wineries, the terroirs and, above all, the fascinating people who produce these beverages. After all, we believe that wines are ‘bottled stories’, and we want to tell all the stories behind the wine we drink and put on our list.

Wine 66 labels can be found in our first physical shop in the centre of Braga, on our website and APP, as well as in our partner restaurants.

And the stories are all here and on our social media.

From wine hunters to wine lovers – cheers!





Natale and Marcos are two Brazilians who have been living in Portugal for six years and have created Wine 66, which, much more than a business, is a life project. 

To sell wines and take their products all over the world, Wine 66 brings together a bit of everything that the pair of journalists and entrepreneurs have learned over the last decades.


In 2000, before meeting Natale, Marcos crossed 15 countries in a 4×4 in the project ‘Images of America’, an expedition that became a TV series, print report, radio programme and book.

In 2015 he repeated the adventure, this time with Natale and his two children. The family travelled from Brazil to Ushuaia, the southernmost tip of the planet, in Argentina, and then across America to Alaska in a motorhome, in a new challenge that lasted a year and turned into three published books.

The couple have visited more than 80 countries and have extensive experience in travelling, especially by car.

To sell wines and take their products around the world, Wine 66 brings together a bit of everything the journalist and entrepreneur couple has learned over the past decades.

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At TV Globo, Marcos was a reporter and took on the role of sports journalism executive, as editor-in-chief, editorial director and director of events and programmes.
Today he maintains a strong relationship with Grupo Globo through the production company Imaginar Content and the entertainment channel Hey ho!, producing series and documentaries for the Globo and Globoplay channels.

Natale, besides being a partner and director of the couple’s content companies, is an interior designer and podcaster. She currently presents ‘Sou dessas’, a programme she created and directs that addresses women’s issues.


Paralympians: both have major innovative (and successful) projects on their CVs. One of the most emblematic was the case of Paralympic sport in Brazil. The couple led all the work, from the first steps, that transformed Paralympic sport into a recognised and valuable brand in the country, through an aggressive and audacious marketing and communication plan for the Brazilian Paralympic Committee, between 2004 and 2012. During this period, they also founded the Superar Institute, which has achieved the status of the largest para-sports NGO in Latin America.

Together, they have realised and managed several important and successful projects, such as swimming and canoeing world championships, TV and web programmes and series.

In Portugal, they share the management of NGroup, a group of companies operating in a wide range of sectors, such as real estate development, financial investments and content production.

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Lake Louise - familia - 1 - cópia

In 2023, Natale and Marcos combined their experience in the business world with their passion for the world of wine. The result was the creation of Wine 66, a company that seeks excellence in wine marketing, together with a team of experts and acting innovatively.

Both believed they needed to create something out of the ordinary to succeed as wine sellers. So they adopted a list of criteria for choosing their products, partners and business avenues. Wine 66 values small and medium-sized producers, who find it difficult to market and distribute their products. The choice of labels for the Wine 66 portfolio respects the tastes of the owners and their high standards. In other words: all the wines sold by the company are invariably tasted and approved by the couple, who travel by car in search of these enological gems.

The first shop, in Braga, is a calling card of what Wine 66 wants to share with its customers: welcoming, simplicity, refinement, quality, truth… all at the same time and in the same atmosphere. Designed and thought out down to the last detail by the owner herself. Both are hands on, literally.

Once acquired for stock, each wine label becomes a communication asset. Teams of audiovisual professionals visit the wineries already chosen by Natale and Marcos and capture images and stories, which will be told to all customers who are interested in them. The passion and knowledge of the producers reaches the eyes and ears of those who want to consume their wine, through various communication channels. Direct marketing. Without intermediation, without filters. Natural, organic and dynamic, like the wines of Wine 66.



Natale e Marcos são dois brasileiros que vivem em Portugal há seis anos e criaram a Wine 66, que, muito mais do que um negócio, trata-se de um projeto de vida.  

Para vender vinhos, levar os seus produtos a toda parte do mundo, a Wine 66 reúne um pouco de tudo que a dupla de jornalistas e empresários aprendeu nas últimas décadas.

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Em 2000, antes de ter conhecido a Natale, Marcos atravessou 15 países, num carro 4×4, no projeto “Imagens da América”, uma expedição que virou série de TV, reportagens impressas, programas de rádio e livro.

Em 2015 ele repetiu a aventura, dessa vez com Natale e os dois filhos. A família foi do Brasil ao Ushuaia, extremo sul do planeta, na Argentina, e depois cruzou toda a América até o Alaska a bordo de um motorhome, num novo desafio que durou 1 ano e se transformou em três livros editados.

O casal soma mais de 80 países visitados, com grande experiência em viagens, principalmente de carro.

Para vender vinhos, levar os seus produtos a toda parte do mundo, a Wine 66 reúne um pouco de tudo que a dupla de jornalistas e empresários aprendeu nas últimas décadas.

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Na TV Globo, Marcos foi repórter e assumiu a função Executiva do Jornalismo Esportivo, como Editor-Chefe, Diretor de Redação e Diretor de Eventos e Programas.
Hoje mantém forte relação com o Grupo Globo através da Produtora Imaginar Content e do canal de entretenimento Hey ho!, produzindo séries e documentários para os Canais Globo e Globoplay.

Natale, além de sócia e diretora das empresas de conteúdo do casal, é designer de interiores e podcaster. Atualmente também apresenta o “Sou dessas”, programa criado e dirigido por ela e que aborda questões do universo feminino.

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Paraolimpíadas – ambos têm no currículo grandes projetos inovadores (e de sucesso). Um dos mais emblemáticos foi o case do esporte paraolímpico no Brasil. O casal capitaneou todo o trabalho, desde os primeiros passos, que transformou o esporte paraolímpico em uma marca reconhecida e com valor no país, através de um agressivo e ousado plano de marketing e comunicação para o Comitê Paraolímpico Brasileiro, entre os anos de 2004 e 2012. Neste período, também fundaram o Instituto Superar, que alcançou o status de maior ONG do paradesporto em toda a América Latina.

Juntos, realizaram e dirigiram vários projetos importantes e bem sucedidos, como campeonatos mundiais de natação e canoagem, programas e séries para TV e web. 

Em Portugal, dividem a direção do NGroup, um grupo de empresas que atua de forma ampla, passando pela construção de empreendimentos imobiliários, investimentos financeiros e produção de conteúdo.

Em 2023, Natale e Marcos reuniram a expertise acumulada no mundo dos negócios com a paixão pelo universo do vinho. O resultado foi a criação da Wine 66, uma empresa que busca a excelência no “garimpo” e na comercialização de vinhos, junto a um time de especialistas e atuando de maneira inovadora. 

Ambos acreditam que precisavam criar algo fora dos padrões atuais para ter sucesso como vendedores de vinho. Então, adotaram uma lista de critérios para escolher seus produtos, parceiros e caminhos para o negócio. A Wine 66 valoriza o pequeno e médio produtor, que tem dificuldades com o marketing e a distribuição dos seus produtos. A escolha dos rótulos para o portfólio Wine 66 respeita o gosto dos donos e seu alto nível de exigência. Ou seja: todos os vinhos vendidos pela empresa são, invariavelmente, provados e aprovados pelo casal, que viaja de carro em busca dessas pérolas da enologia.

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A primeira loja, em Braga, é um cartão de visitas do que a Wine 66 quer dividir com os seus clientes: aconchego, simplicidade, requinte, qualidade, verdade… tudo ao mesmo tempo e no mesmo ambiente. Desenhada e pensada em cada detalhe pela própria dona. Ambos botam a mão na massa, literalmente.

Depois de adquridos para o estoque, cada rótulo de vinho passa a ser um ativo de comunicação. Equipes de profissionais do audiovisual visitam as vinícolas já escolhidas por Natale e Marcos e captam imagens e histórias, que serão contadas para todos os clientes que por elas se interessarem. A paixão e o conhecimento dos produtores chegam diretamente aos olhos e ouvidos de quem pretende consumir o seu vinho, através de vários canais de comunicação (TV, Instagram, Youtube, FB, site, APP etc.). Marketing direto. Sem intermediações, sem filtros. Natural, biológico e dinâmico, como os vinhos da Wine 66. 


Alexandre Lalas

Brazilian journalist, consultant and lecturer.

Alexandre is part of the team of Essência do Vinho, the largest media specialised in this drink in Portugal, and also writes for Revista de Vinhos, which is distributed in Brazil, Angola and Portugal. He is a member of the team of trainers of Vini Portugal, CVRA (Comissão Vitivinícola dos Vinhos do Alentejo), IVDP (Instituto dos Vinhos do Porto e do Douro), CVRVVV (Comissão Vitivinícola da Região dos Vinhos Verdes) and IVBAM (Instituto do Vinho, do Bordado e do Artesanato da Madeira), for which he regularly gives lectures in Portugal, Brazil, United States, Canada, France, England, Macao, Hong Kong and China. He was the first Brazilian to be recognised by the IVDP as a Certified Port Educator.

He participates as a judge and guest at competitions and congresses in Brazil and abroad, in addition to conducting tastings and giving training courses and lectures on wine in various countries. He is a member of the Confraria dos Enófilos do Alentejo and a knight of the Confraria do Vinho Verde, both in Portugal.

He launched and edited the online journal Wine Report. In Jornal do Brasil, he wrote the column ‘Vinhos e Outras Cachaças’ and produced two editions of the ‘Guia JB Vinhos’. He has written about the world of wine in publications such as Adega, Gula, Couvert, DiVino Sabores, Go Where Rio, Magazine Casa Shopping, WineBrasil and Eatin’Out.

He was advisor to the Rio de Janeiro branch of the Brazilian Society of Friends of Wine (SBAV/RJ), prologue writer of the book Bistrôs de Buenos Aires, by Alex Herzog, and author of the technical review of the Brazilian edition of the book 1001 Wines to Try Before You Die, in addition to signing the menus of several restaurants in Rio de Janeiro.



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